Saturday, March 31, 2012

Flying Solo

Hi- lots of catching up to do.

We've been busy in what sort of feels like a do-nothing kind of busy. What I've realized though, is that even our do-nothing weekends still feel pretty full; doing all the things that I'm not doing during the week. Combine that with the sheer exhaustion that comes with being back at work, and I've found it hard to get inspired to write. And since I'm working, I'm not taking as many pictures, which means the pressure is on to say how things are going, instead of showing how things are going.

We had some incredible weather recently. Record temps - 85 degrees! - which made this past week of more seasonable 40s and 50s all that much harder.

Addy was struck with her first super-nasty virus of 2012, which left her with a runny nose, an alarming cough, and a high fever for 3 days. And "irritable" seems a bit too mild - more like 72 straight hours of inconsolability. It took about a week for her to be back to normal, but we're there now.

Pete was traveling this week. And although I handled it all fine, it reminded me how lucky I am to have an involved, helpful partner in parenting.

But, enough chatter.

Easter shoot. With real bunnies. It feels like eons ago. Addy and Chloe were bunny obsessed. 2 hours of just sitting and petting. The begging for a bunny has begun.
 The Donatos. There is so much I could say about them, but it wouldn't be enough. Seriously, I've written about 10 sentences here and deleted each one, because it barely scratched the surface. They rock.
 Sandals in March? We were happy to. Addy calls these shoes her "mouse shoes" - they are WeeSqueaks, so they squeak when she walks. She LOVES it.
Other things we love? Little girls in nightgowns. And peanut butter cracker towers.
 So maybe I cracked out one of her birthday gifts a little early. Two words: stamp. obsessed.

Lots of big events coming up this week - a big birthday on Thursday, and an egg hunt on Sunday. Stay posted - I promise I'll be posting again soon.


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